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From Amateur to PRO – the Secrets to Influence People Online.

Nicolas Gramnea

Published in


Brace yourself.

Today we will travel to the scary world of manipulation, persuasion, and influence over the internet.

What you’re about to learn today is dangerous.

It’s the kind of knowledge that can turn you into a puppet master—or a slave to it.

Use it wisely.

This is the skill that every entrepreneur should master to find success in business—and life.

. . . heck; if you’re a human being, you need to understand this stuff.

Let’s make a solid promise, you and me, that we will use this skill for good.

For now, at least.

If you master this skill—you’ll solve the biggest obstacle that stands between you and your wildest Dreams.

Let’s start. (slowly)

Every Successful Entrepreneur Will Admit…

This skill is in large part responsible for their success.

…it’s the skill that drives almost every dollar made online and off.
…it’s the skill that can transform your business into a wealth-generating machine.

So, what is it?


Hold on.

Don’t roll your eyes. 🙄

You don’t know what copywriting is. (yet)

✒️ Sales Copywriting: is the act of writing text for the purpose of marketing. The product, called copy, is written content that aims to ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.

But copywriting is sooo much more than the academic definition.

“The ability to write ads and letters that sell is by far the most wonderful money-making skill you could ever acquire. If you master this skill, you should never again have to worry about money.”

~Gary Halbert

Keep reading to learn how to persuade and manipulate people online for your own financial gains—learn to convert strangers into buyers.

So, without further ado. . .

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty.

We’re going to cover a LOT, but trust me—it’s worth it.

I hope you enjoy the journey! 🙂


  1. Good Copywriters, Copy and Great Copywriters, Steal
    ❖ Hijack your competitors;

  2. The Real Difference between Benefits and Features
    ❖ Find out why people buy “random” products and services;

  3. Common Copywriting Mistakes
    ❖ The 10 mistakes you make without noticing on your sales copy;

  4. Copywriting Secrets to Boost Your Sales Immediately
    ❖ The top 7 secrets to transform your customers into fanatic fans;

  5. Trigger Words and Emotions to Enhance Your Sales Copy
    ❖ 80+ words and 14+ emotions you can use to trigger and control the subconscious mind of your customer;

Good Copywriters, Copy
Great Copywriters, Steal

Our goal here—hijack your competitor’s best strategies.

Right now,

Titans in your industry have already pumped BILLIONS (with a B) of dollars into testing, tweaking, and perfecting words that control minds and open wallets. (looking at you, Apple.)

And if,

You’re still thinking you’re some kind of genius destined to reinvent the wheel . . .
(because your mama said so)

Get over yourself!!

Even great minds like Albert Einstein were standing on someone else’s shoulders.

Stop fantasizing.

Instead, ruthlessly STEAL the top tactics your competitors are using—and make them yours.

Don’t Copy—but Steal.

How do you do that?

Put your detective hat on 🕵️

1st Step:
⮚ Execute a deep research on your top 3 competitors.


✔ words they use to catch the attention and build curiosity (hook);
✔ words they use to produce emotions (story);
✔ words they use to make people take action (CTA);

Put all this information on a clean sheet of paper; it’s very important.

2nd Step:
⮚ Go to Amazon and look for the top-selling books in your niche.


✔ what kind of copy they use (headline, sub-headline, index);
✔ what hook, story, and CTA do they use on the product page (description);
✔ what bundles they create to make the people buy (offer);

Put all this information on a clean sheet of paper.

3rd Step:
⮚ Take a look at public sites with customer reviews.


✔ their deepest pains and problems;
✔ their biggest desires;
✔ their most asked questions & objections;
✔ what kind of language they use;

You will be able to create copy that makes your audience feel understood.

And that’s the nr1 GOAL of any sales copy — make your audience feel understood.

NOT making your product understandable,

Make your audience feel understood.

NOT what your product does,

What your product does for them.

Mess this thing up, and nothing else in your business will work.

Master it and win the game.

4th Step:
⮚ Take out your swipe file!

A swipe file is a place where you have notes with words you gather over time,

. . .the best headlines, the best sub-headlines, the best stories, the best hooks, the best CTA that are already proven in the marketplace.

All you have to do now is to swap in and out some words to apply to your industry.

5th Step:
⮚ Build the foundation!

The words are the most important, but. . . the structure is what makes the customers stick to your page.

The structure is this “small detail” that many forget about.

You need to master the structure flow and know exactly where to put your hook, the sub-headlines, the story, the guarantee, the CTA, the testimonials, the benefits, the FAQ, the order button, etc.

The information must be presented in a way that flows—warms up the state of mind of your customers and prepares them for the big ask.

Make one small mistake here and your customer will get disconnected and distracted—you will lose the sale.

6th Step:
⮚ Start writing!

Now is the time.

You are ready—to craft your next 1 million dollar sales copy.

Take everything that you’ve gathered (step 1 to step 5) and start writing.

You can use your PC for the writing part—you must WRITE as fast as you THINK; let the flow take you. Don’t overthink at this stage.

Just write.

7th Step:
⮚ Start editing!

The real magic happens here.

Editing isn’t just a step—it’s the battlefield where weak words die, and only the sharpest, most clear message survives.

Think you’re finished the moment you type that last word? Cute. 🤣🤣

Now the fun begins.

I’ve edited this article 374 times. Not a typo. Three hundred seventy-four.

Last week, I wrote a sales page—593 edits before it went live.

You can’t shortcut this. You can’t cheat it. You just can’t.

“Great sales copy isn’t written—it’s refined and stripped down to the bone. Through editing.”

~Nicolas Gramnea

By the way,

Editing isn’t about adding more. It’s about subtraction—it’s about taking out every single word that doesn’t fit with your marketing message.

Edit. Then edit again. And when you think you’re done?

Go sleep, wake up, and edit some more.

Then. . . you can go live.

8th Step:
⮚ The market decides what is good or not!

This is the switch step.

Now, you’re in listening mode. NO longer in stalker mode (on competitors).

If you follow all these 7 steps, and you do your research properly,

Your copy will convert, guaranteed!

If you feel like it can do even better (always it can), change words based on what the marketplace is telling you.

Now, you’re in listening mode. NO longer in stalker mode.

Analyze how your audience is speaking—those are the words you should be using in your marketing Ads and sales scripts.

Listen to them!

The Real Difference Between
Benefits And Features

People buy stuff that falls within 3 categories.

It will either save or make them more: energy, time, or money.

Did you know?

Marriages happen because:

⮚ the 1st reason—financial stability
⮚ the 2nd reason—companionship

Love is in the 5th place*

Sad face. 😞

Everything comes down to energy, time, or money.


To understand benefits and features let’s take an example.

Let’s say that you produce and sell knives.

A quick way to find the benefit of any product is to ask 2 times:

So what?

Feature: is sharp. (So what?)

An almost benefit: you can cut anything faster. (So what?)

Benefit: save time.

Famous AD example:


Remember that moment?

You’re relaxing on the couch, half-paying attention to the kids, when suddenly you hear his voice from across the room:

“Hoooney, let’s go out for dinner. We’ve got a reservation in 1 hour.”

Your heart skips a beat, excitement flooding in—and your eyes light up.

But, hold on a second. . .

You have 2 hungry kids, demanding FOOD, right now—and you only have 15 minutes to make them a meal. (and get ready for your romantic dinner)

You quickly head to the kitchen, praying that for once, the knife is sharp enough to get the job done. But as you pull open the drawer, there it is :: the same dull, rusty blade your husband promised to sharpen four days ago.

Your heart sinks.

That chicken skin might as well be medieval armor—suddenly, your excitement disappears and the idea of a romantic dinner feels like a distant fantasy.

Introducing. . .

A new and improved knife—a real saver for your kitchen and your sanity.

Made with cutting-edge materials (pun intended), our knives never go dull, letting you slice through anything with ease.

No more wasted time, no more kitchen frustrations, and definitely no more missed opportunities for those rare, spontaneous moments from your husband.

Order your romantic dinner saver today.

Because sometimes, all it takes is a sharp knife to keep the spark alive.”

For those of you thinking. . .

That marriage is “weak”—NO—this is the most real sh@t that you’ll find in more than 90% of households. Feelings are real (at least for women)

And, remember, our goal here is to sell KNIVES not to offer them alternatives for an easy fix. . . like ordering a pizza.

If you wanna do that, then change the copy and make your Pizza Shop the “romantic dinner saver” solution.

Don’t get distracted from the objective.

Now, let’s continue. . .

Could you picture images of this event in your mind, while reading?

Good. That’s the point.

Is this AD bad, cringy, weird?

First, marriages are hard man.

Second, who gives a penny about your opinion or my opinion?

We are not the client!

The company that ran this AD made millions.

“The people who buy your products dictate what is good or what is bad copy. Not YOU.”

~Nicolas Gramnea

The job of your copy is to make your customers feel understood and see exactly what they can do with your product—connecting on an emotional level.

People buy things that fall within 3 categories.

It will either save or make more: energy, time, or money.

Common Copywriting Mistakes

❌ too much fluff

❌ your message is broad and speaks to everyone

❌ not using the right language for your market

❌ it is boring to read

❌ you only SELL, SELL, SELL

❌ tell, don’t show

❌ you focus on your EGO

❌ can’t be spoken in a loud voice

❌ assuming the customer knows as much as you do

❌ write about features

✅ keep it simple

✅ focus on a very specific group of people

✅ use words your market understands

✅ create stories when you write

✅ dumb rule 70% value & 30% sell

✅ show facts, stories, and proof

✅ focus on your customer’s EGO

✅ you write the way you speak

✅ use simple language that a 5yr old can understand

✅ focus on benefits

Copywriting Secrets to
Significantly Boost Your Sales

⇒ Add some excitement and drama to your copy

o Bad: “I woke up, and I looked at my phone. I walked to the fridge to grab a fruit and eat. After I went to the bathroom to wash my face, that was the moment when it happened.”

o Good: “YES! Finally! I did it! There it was, my first notification of an online sale. I could barely even talk and between hard breathing, I shouted again, YEES! I’m an internet marketer! This will change my life.”

⇒ Avoid using long sentences. Use even ONE word per paragraph

✔ Keep paragraphs tight—2 to 4 lines max.

✔ Walls of text kill attention. Break it up.

⇒ Make any general statement as specific as possible

o Bad: “Last month I made more money.”

o Good: “TAAR strategy doubled our sales and made us an extra $23,769 last month, without spending a dime on ADS.”

⇒ Write using the Active Voice, not the Passive Voice

o Bad: When this link is clicked, an email will be sent to your inbox;

o Good: When you click this link, you’ll get an email within 30 seconds;

⇒ Show don’t tell

Make the customer paint a picture of the event you are writing about.

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools that you could ever use,

. . .and is one of the most difficult to master.

o Bad: “I felt mentally and physically drained.”

o Good: “My legs barely hold up my body as I crawl onto the sofa. I tried to cry myself to sleep, but the tears came without sleep.”

o Bad: “I’ll never forget the way I felt when I made my first online sale. I was so excited.”

o Good: “It was 2:30 a.m., a weird time to be checking my email. (I know)

But there it was, the notification for my first online sale.

I ran upstairs, and I woke my wife. . .

I did it, I did it!

She warned me that if I didn’t calm down, the noise would wake the kids in the next room—but as far as I was concerned, no one in the family should be sleeping at a time like this.”

⇒ Benefits over features. So what? So that!

Features is what it does, and Benefits is what it does for you.

o Feature: “On-call industry experts.”

o Benefit: “With over 70-years of combined experience, our expert advisors help you solve software issues in minutes.”

o Feature: “24-hours Service.”

o Benefit: “No matter what time it is or where you are in the world, there’s always someone available to offer you support for troubleshooting technical issues.”

⇒ Educate at first, don’t sell!

People like to buy, but they don’t like to be sold.

Position yourself as a professional advisor in your field.

The more you try to sell, the more resistance you will get.

Trigger Words and Emotions to
Craft a Powerful Sales Copy

Learn to utilize the power of emotional language.

These words don’t just speak—they provoke, ignite, and stir up inner conflict.

They plant seeds of doubt and desire—sparking debates inside your customer’s minds and forcing them to act the way you want.

WORDS: Free, New, Proven, You, Secret, More, Yes, Instant, If, Easy, Convert, Imagine, Never, Discover, Stop, Because, Worse, Today, Now, Win, Want, Fix, Forever, Destroy, Crush, Deadline, Limited, Revolutionary, Save, Unlock, Amazing, How to, Elite, Guarantee, Need, Tired.

⇒ Shame

Nobody wants to live in the “Loser Town.”

❖ Embarrassment / Guilt / Disgrace / Regret

⇒ Emotional Pain

You want more money.

Yeah, of course—same as the other 7 billion people on the planet Earth.

But, why do you want more money?

Practical Pain – the landlord calls you to pay the rent; the car is broken.

Emotional Pain – you are a doctor, you’ve 3 degrees, yet you watch your brother (a plumber) making more money than you.

Each paycheck he receives feels like a dagger, twisting deeper as you grapple with the irony of your years of hard work and sacrifice.

It’s a crushing reality that eats away at your self-worth, leaving you to question the value of your education and your life choices.

THAT is a trigger and a real pain.

❖ Frustration / Despair / Isolation / Disappointment

⇒ Magic, Conspiracy, Mysticism

The reality is that (we) people hate taking responsibility for our lives.

. . .it’s an easy way out to blame the things we can’t control or don’t fully understand.

This tactic works for everyone — dumb people or sophisticated investors.

❖ Illusion / Deception / Mystery / Manipulation

⇒ Fear

No matter how powerful or successful we think we are—we ALL are scared.

Fear of losing family. Fear of losing money. Fear of dying. Fear of getting sick. Fear of going broke again.

We ALL live in constant fear.

❖ Anxiety / Terror / Panic / Dreadful

⇒ Insecurity

We ALL have insecurities about what we do and who we truly are.

❖ Self-doubt / Uncertainty / Worry

⇒ Greed

Many people just want more and more and never it’s enough. It’s a powerful emotional trigger for a leader.

❖ Avarice / Desire / Lust

⇒ Health

They say if you don’t have your health, you’ve got very little.

Health as a metaphor also works for all sorts of other areas outside the realm of mental and physical wellness, such as relationships and businesses.

❖ Boost / Cure / Energize / Flush / Vibrant

⇒ Hope

If you don’t have hope, your life is empty. The belief that things will be better in the future is the primary motivator for action.

❖ Bright / Destiny / Empower / Overcome / Undo

⇒ Anger

A lot of people are pissed off about a lot of things, and empathizing with that anger while simultaneously engaging it is very powerful.

You don’t provoke anger for anger’s sake, though,

. . .you do it to create an identification with your solution that ends the anger and moves people to a more positive emotional state.

❖ Arrogant / Cruel / Greed / Hate / Unscrupulous

⇒ Frustration

Tapping into the frustration your audience feels can be incredibly actionable.

After all, frustration is born from the inability to solve a problem.

If you have a real solution, identifying with the frustration first intensifies the immediate desire for that solution.

❖ Had enough? / Never again… / Pointless / Temporary fix / Tired

⇒ Betrayal

The word betrayal itself is a powerful emotional trigger word.

❖ Burned / Conspiracy / Disinformation / Fleece / Swindle

⇒ Revenge

Revenge is the desire that results from betrayal, and it’s so powerful because revenge connotes action.

❖ Avenge / Payback / Reclaim / Turn the tables / Vindication

⇒ The Forbidden

You want what you can’t have (or what you’re told you shouldn’t have), and you respond favorably to a solution or promise that you can now have it.

❖ Banned / Controversial / Exposed / Insider / Taboo

⇒ The Powerless

Powerlessness is frustration taken to the extreme, and we’ve all felt it.

Beyond that which is forbidden, we feel a solution is literally unattainable.

Beyond anger, we feel intense resentment.

The ability to empathize with and empower those who feel this way makes you a hero.

❖ Agony / Floundering / Helpless / Paralyzed / Surrender

⇒ Passion

When your audience is passionate about what you have to say or sell, there’s no need to convince them of need, it’s all about want.

Beyond attaining the objects of our desire, we love to experience excitement along the way.

So don’t take passion for granted; enhance it!

❖ Blissful / Delightful / Jubilant / Rave / Thrilled

⇒ Urgency

It’s not enough to make someone want to do something, you’ve often got to get them to take immediate action if they’re to take action at all.

A sense of urgency is an emotional response that can range from fear of loss to unbridled enthusiasm.

❖ Before you forget… / Deadline / Limited / Seize / While it’s fresh on your mind…

You did it! 👏

You made it to the end of this article.

I know it was a tough journey.


Today, you’ve armed yourself with great knowledge & power.

Now, you can write copy that sells!

⇒ Bookmark this page for future reference.

If you want to chat about this Monstrous Research I did on copywriting, feel free to → DM me on LinkedIn

And hey,

If you feel good today, forward and share this article with your friends.

Will be of great help to my EGO

Oops; I meant to say — it will be of great help to your friends!

Have a wonderful day,
Nicolas G.

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